We were delighted to produce a vastly expanded, double CD version of the Generations soundtrack many years after this original release. Click here to check it out.
1. | Star Trek: Generations Overture | 4:13 |
2. | Main Title | 2:52 |
3. | The Enterprise B / Kirk Saves the Day | 3:13 |
4. | Deck 15 | 1:39 |
5. | Time is Running Out | 1:12 |
6. | Prisoner Exchange | 2:57 |
7. | Outgunned | 3:20 |
8. | Out of Control / The Crash | 2:05 |
9. | Coming To Rest | 0:57 |
10. | The Nexus / A Christmas Hug | 7:07 |
11. | Jumping the Ravine | 1:37 |
12. | Two Captains | 1″32 |
13. | The Final Fight | 6:15 |
14. | Kirk’s Death | 2:45 |
15. | To Live Forever | 2:40 |
Sound Effects | ||
16. | Enterprise B Bridge | 3:13 |
17. | Enterprise B Doors Open | 0:13 |
18. | Distress Call Alert | 0:10 |
19. | Enterprise B Helm Controls | 0:16 |
20. | Nexus Energy Ribbon | 1:38 |
21. | Enterprise B Deflector Beam | 0:08 |
22. | Enterprise B Warp Pass-By | 0:14 |
23. | Enterprise D Transporter | 0:12 |
24. | Tricorder | 0:30 |
25. | Hypo Injector | 0:03 |
26. | Communicator Chirp | 0:06 |
27. | Door Chime | 0:07 |
28. | Enterprise D Warp Out | 0:22 |
29. | Bird of Prey Bridge/Explosion | 2:51 |
30. | Klingon Sensor Alert | 0:08 |
31. | Bird of Prey Cloaks | 0:04 |
32. | Bird of Prey De-Cloaks | 0:10 |
33. | Klingon Transporter | 0:12 |
34. | Soran’s Gun | 0:11 |
35. | Soran’s Rocket De-Cloaks | 0:05 |
36. | Shuttlecraft Pass-By | 0:21 |
37. | Enterprise D Bridge/Crash Sequence | 3:21 |
38. | Enterprise D Warp Out #2 | 0:09 |
A champagne bottle is seen spinning through the blackness of space as a gentle, ethereal theme accompanies its journey. As the strings and voices swell to a crescendo, the bottle strikes the hull of the U.S.S. Enterprise-B, and the legendary Alexander Courage fanfare heralds the launch of both the mighty starship and the opening of STAR TREK: GENERATIONS. The seventh in a long line of successful features based on Gene Roddenberry’s classic television series, this film unites the two most famous captains of the U.S.S. Enterprise: James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart).
Two generations are brought together by one man’s obsession with the Nexus, a heavenly universe where linear time has no meaning. Captain Picard meets Dr. Soran (Malcolm McDowell) , a 300 year old Elorian scientist rescued from a ravaged stellar observatory. By manipulating a powerful ribbon of energy, Soran means to gain entry to the Nexus, stopping short of nothing but universal destruction to achieve his goal. It is a story of good vs. evil as Picard and Kirk mist prevent Soran from destroying an entire solar system, thus killing millions. It is also a story about coping with personal tragedies, as Picard receives distressing news from Earth. Finally it is a story involving personal growth, as Data (Brent Spiner), like the Tin Woodsman of Oz, at last finds a heart in the form of a newly installed computer chip.
For this film, composer Dennis McCarthy has delivered a score with a wide range of textures and emotions. There is a pulse-pounding excitement when the Enterprise-D battles a renegade Klingon Bird of Prey and when Captain Kirk saves the Enterprise-B from destruction by the energy ribbon (Outgunned, Kirk Saves the Day). There is a soft, tender movement accentuated by choir as Picard, after entering the Nexus, finds himself sharing Christmas with the family he has always desired but never had (A Christmas Hug).
In addition to his large complement of strings, woodwinds and percussion. Dennis utilizes many musical effects involving synthesizer and waterphone (a jug-like instrument with several protruding pipes along which the player runs a violin bow). For the cue Time is Running Out, a soft choir highlighted by waterphone is head as Soran catches sight of an old acquaintance tending bar.
Dennis brings is all to a close with To Live Forever, where Data, having found his lost cat Spot, cries tears of joy. Picard and Riker, meanwhile, survey the wreckage of the Enterprise-D; and as they are beamed aboard the rescue ship, a powerful reprise of the Courage fanfare heralds the promise of new adventures to come.